Part 1: What is a geo-behavioral user interest profiling?
We all leave a digital footprint as we move from one place to another in our daily lives. It can be an explicit check-in into a restaurant, geo-tagged Facebook update, geo-enabled tweet sent from a smartphone or it can be a credit card payment at one of the physical point of sales. The reality is that the era of persistent location is upon us. Location data is being generated in huge numbers across multiple verticals. In many cases we opt-in to share our location. All kinds of apps, even Angry Birds are asking our permission to use our location history. We estimate that over 60% of smartphone app do so. User location history is a valuable dataset as it provides insights into his real-life interests and preferences. At Locomizer, we believe that our location history = our identity. We are, our real-life interests and preferences are a product of our local footprint. We don’t only believe in this we also have built a very complex patent-pending mathematical solution that is based on the laws of Nature in order to translate user location history (historic lat/lon records) into what we call a very distinctive geo-behavioral user interest profile – a new way to interpret, store and use positional information by assigning affinity scores to interest categories associated with venues. Below is a simple video that shows how user location history can be turned into a user profile, ready for relevant targeting, all kinds of personalization and matching.
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[…] user interest profiles, as discussed in Part 1, is just one side of the story, the second part is that we can aggregate and anonymise those […]
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